Air travel can be safe for pregnant women with low-risk, singleton pregnancies. You may want to take the opportunity to travel when you’re pregnant because the demands of motherhood could delay any longer trips for quite a while!
Travel and Cancellation Insurance
If you do decide to travel, I suggest to my patients that they check with their insurance companies to make sure they are covered in case they need to be seen at a hospital or clinic in another country. Purchasing cancellation insurance is also a good idea; if you were to develop complications during your pregnancy your health care provider may recommend you not travel. It is usually easiest to travel during weeks 14 - 28 when the risk of obstetrical emergencies is lower than in the first and third trimesters.
Keep Moving and Stay Hydrated
Sitting down for long periods of time on a flight can increase the chance of developing clots in your legs. Try to book an aisle seat so you can easily stretch your legs, consider wearing compression socks and get up regularly to walk the aisles and keep your blood circulating. Always remember to drink lots of water to avoid becoming dehydrated.
Every airline has its own gestational limits for travel. For example, Air Canada will allow any woman with a normal pregnancy with no history of previous premature labour to travel on flights up to and including her 36th week. WestJet states that you can fly at any time during pregnancy but will need a note from your health care provider if you’re beyond 32 weeks gestation. Limits for international flights can often be around the 28th week. Always check the restrictions of the airline you are travelling.