Now that you have conceived, your journey towards motherhood has begun.

During Pregnancy

Over the next 40 weeks, you may have questions or concerns about your pregnancy and your developing baby and how both will be monitored. This section contains information about some of the things you may encounter during the course of your pregnancy.

In This Section

Aches and Pains

The nine months of pregnancy can be an exciting time for a woman, or it can be a pain...literally. What are considered normal aches and pains and when do you seek help?

Am I in Labour

Your body has been preparing to deliver from the moment you conceived - how do you tell if labour has finally started?

Clinic Visits

Clinic visits monitor your health and the health of your pregnancy. They are an important part of your prenatal care and a great opportunity to ask questions, address concerns or book any needed tests and screenings.

Confirming Pregnancy

If you suspect you may be pregnant, you can confirm by using an over the counter home pregnancy urine test, or you can see your health care provider for a blood test.

Fetal Movements

Active babies are happy babies, although it’s important to remember that babies have periods of sleep when they don’t move and periods of being awake when they do.

Induction of Labour

Despite what you may have heard, induced labour is not harder than natural labour - but there are some differences. When labour won’t progress naturally, induction needs to be considered.

Managing your Care

For many women, pregnancy will be their first real encounter navigating the health care system. Will you be seeing a midwife, a family physician or a high-risk obstetrician? Learn who can monitor your pregnancy and deliver your baby.


Miscarriage is a normal risk of pregnancy. How do you spot the signs and can you prevent it? And more importantly, how do you cope with the loss?

Nausea and Vomiting

“Morning Sickness” is a misnomer…it can happen anytime of the day or night. It is very common and affects up to 80% of pregnant women.

Pain Management in Labour

Every woman’s labour and pain threshold is different. How you decide to deal with the pain of labour is your decision. Know your options and keep an open mind - everything can change once you are in actual labour.

Perineal Tears During Labor

Perineal lacerations (tears) can happen spontaneously during labor or due to an episiotomy and are classified from first to fourth degree tears. First and second degree lacerations are more frequent. Third and fourth degree lacerations are rare, occurring in only about 5% of women.