Protect you and your developing baby from the effects of the flu.

Pregnant women are justifiably wary of any potential harm to their baby and many women ask me about getting the flu shot during pregnancy. We recommend it. In 2009 there was concern about H1N1 and many women were anxious about the virus and the flu shot. We implemented an information program for pregnant women on the benefits of immunization and offered the vaccine in our clinics. As a result, we had the highest rate of uptake in the province.
The flu shot also offers benefits for the unborn child. Based on a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, evidence shows that for women who received the flu vaccine in pregnancy, there was a significant reduction in flu-like illness in their children in the first 6 months of life. This was likely due to protective antibodies passed from mom to baby during the pregnancy itself; what we call passive immunity. There was a 63% reduction in confirmed cases of the flu and 29% reduction in other respiratory illness with fever in the infants. For the mothers themselves, there was a 36% reduction in cases of respiratory illness with fever.
In Canada, the provincially funded programs usually start in October and immunization is recommended for children age 6 months and older; discuss with your health care provider whether the flu vaccine is right for you and your baby. For further information on immunization for children in Canada, contact your local Public Health unit and check out the Public Health Agency of Canada especially the section on Immunization Fact and Fiction which does a great job of dispelling the misinformation and resulting misconceptions that have scared people away from immunizing themselves and their children.