It pays to be prepared. Preconception planning offers the best outcome for your baby.

Having a baby is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Yet many people plan more for an annual vacation than they do for this major life-altering event. Preparing your body and your life for motherhood can minimize any dangers to your baby from certain infections, nutritional concerns and environmental exposures. Preconception counselling can ensure that you are aware of the best ways to prime your body for successful conception, which includes starting regular folic acid supplements at least three months before you conceive.
There are many environmental hazards, medications, substances and foods that need to be avoided during pregnancy in order to protect the healthy development of the baby. It is also very important that women are pre-screened by their doctors to ensure immunizations are up to date and any illnesses are ruled out that may adversely affect the pregnancy. Genetic history, lifestyle, and relationship and psychosocial issues can all be reviewed at this time to further reduce any risks to the potential pregnancy – and to the mother.