The journey home - keeping baby safe.

Adjusting to life as a new parent can be difficult – but perhaps not quite as difficult as learning how to properly install a car seat! Luckily, you have time to practice - with the car seat at least. And you need to get it right because we won’t let you take your new baby home unless we know you have a car seat and know how to use it.
The Ontario Ministry of Health has step-by-step tips on installing car seats. The law requires that infant car seats face the rear of a vehicle - away from an active air bag - and rest at a 45-degree angle and move no more than 2.5 cm where the seatbelt or Universal Anchorage System (UAS) strap is routed through the child car seat. Harness straps should sit at or below a baby's shoulders and you should not be able to fit more than one finger underneath the harness straps at the child's collarbone. The chest clip should be flat against the chest at armpit level.
If you are still unsure how to install your seat, contact your local Public Health Unit or Police Force, they often offer free inspections.