Lifetime Risk Score
This risk score estimates your risk of developing heart disease in your lifetime based on your cholesterol, blood pressure, fasting glucose and smoking status.
First determine your risk level for each of the categories.
Then determine your risk estimate based on your risk levels for the above categories.
For the lifetime risk score we consider any score of 39% or greater to be high risk. If you are high risk, we recommend that you discuss this with your health care provider and look at ways that you may decrease your risk.
Source: Lloyd-Jones et al., Circ 2006;113:791-798
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a cluster if conditions that when they occur together increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. If you answer yes to 3 or more of the questions below, you have metabolic syndrome.
If you have metabolic syndrome, we recommend that you discuss this with your health care provider and look at ways that you may decrease your risk.
Cardiometabolic Age
You may calculate your cardiometabolic age using an online calculator developed by researchers at McGill University. In less than 5 minutes you can calculate and identify risk factors that you may modify to improve your cardiometabolic age. To complete this calculation, you will need the information collected in your Postpartum Health Record.