An article in the Globe and Mail this week presented the results of a recent US study on IUD and IUS use among young women who have never had children. This study found that college age women who choose the IUD or IUS for contraception are very satisfied with them more than a year later. For more on the study please refer to the Globe & Mail Article.

An intrauterine device (IUD) and intrauterine system (IUS) are forms of birth control that are inserted into and sit in the uterus. Both are small T-shaped devices that may be used for up to 5 years that are 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. Neither protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or HIV.

The copper IUD works by changing the chemistry in the uterus and destroying sperm. The IUS slowly releases the hormone levonorgestrel (not estrogen!), which thins the uterine lining and thickens cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to enter the uterus.

For more information on birth control options please visit

For help in choosing the best birth control option for you, please try SexualityandU's Choosing Wisely Tool