The MotHERS Program
Our goal is to help women who are contemplating pregnancy, are pregnant or are now new mothers, keep up-to-date on the latest medical information; healthy pregnancies lead to healthy children and healthy adults!
The flu shot is safe during pregnancy and a recomended way to keep both you and your baby safe from the effects of the flu.
It pays to be prepared. Preconception planning offers the best outcome for your baby. Everything you need to know about preconception screening tests, folic acid supplements, genetic counselling, medical complications and infertility.
Over the next 40 weeks, you may have questions or concerns about your pregnancy and your developing baby and how both will be monitored. This section contains information about some of the things you may encounter during the course of your pregnancy.
The learning curve is steep, and the hours of sleep are few - but soon you will find yourself falling into a pattern and feeling comfortable in your new role. This section offers help with some of the things you will experience after delivery.
Congratulations, your baby has arrived! While you will be preoccupied caring for your newborn, there is one more important person you need to take care of in the postpartum period - yourself.
The Health Improvement after Pregnancy (HIP) program was developed by the MotHERS ProgramTM to help mothers make healthy lifestyle changes.
OMama Mobile App now available! Trusted information, when and where you need it. Easy-to-use and easy-to-find resources at your fingertips, 24/7.
Useful resources for different regions throughout Ontario.
Our goal is to help women who are contemplating pregnancy, are pregnant or are now new mothers, keep up-to-date on the latest medical information; healthy pregnancies lead to healthy children and healthy adults!
Track your baby's fetal movements and your own health indicators with our mobile apps.
Access to expert advice and support for breastfeeding.
Resources and information for Care Providers including the The Postpartum Maternal Health Clinic Handbook©.
Take advantage of opportunities to contribute to research regarding pregnancy, childbirth and parenting.